One idea for improvements to quality of life includes recreational and therapeutic programs. These would be client-centred and benefit the mind, body and soul. They would provide choice, options and explore individual abilities.
Following is an initial outline.
- Art programs – Painting, drawing, creative expression with different mediums.
- Music programs – Name that tune, exploring different genres of music.
- Writing – Creative writing, poetry.
- Drama therapy.
- Yoga.
- Physical games – Mini golf, ladder ball, Frisbee slam, bocce ball, etc.
- Dancing.
- Community outings.
- Social hour – Time to talk and socialize.
- Special events.
- Pet therapy.
- Exploring the senses with different activities – What’s in the bag?, name that scent, etc.
- Tea tasting.
- Aromatherapy.
- Science and nature exploration.
- Education programs – Driven by what the clients want to learn and explore.
- Community discussions with guest speakers.
- Trivia and games.
- Memory trays.
- Exploring different elements of spiritual well-being.
- Discussion groups.
- Book clubs.
- Giving back to the community.
- Personal interaction and laughter.